Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Had an awsome experience with our lecturers on blogging, twittering

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Training at Kuching Campus

Leaving for Kuching this Thursday morning. Dr. Irene has planned for a 2.5 days intensive training for the staff at our Kuching campus. We started a blog for them to contribute but no responses so far. We need to see to what extent they are using technology to teach. This is my first session with them. Wish me luck....

Friday, November 21, 2008

Cool Aggregation

Week 10 of my course thought me how to bring all my social networking sites together through an aggregation tool. I choose Yahoo! since I already have an account. This is a really cool tool. I am learning to link all my other sites into one - FB, travel sites, news sites, blogs etc.

This makes it easier to access. It's like getting a new toy. I will be experimenting with more!


Sunday, November 16, 2008

My Facebook Link

I started using Facebook early this year. It was because so many of my friends tagged me but I didn't bother much initially as the interest wasn't there. One day however, one of my friends called me and said they found so and so on FB and who are they now, what they were doing. These are all my ex-classmates from primary right up to uni days. Wow! I thought this is interesting so I gave it a try. I am really enjoying it since. Here's my link:

I noticed the links posted by some of you is a little different. Your URL has your name in it but mine is different. I wonder why? Can anyone explain please?

Friday, November 7, 2008

Educational resources online

There are more and more educational resources out there and one can find these materials quite easily. This is all thanks to technology and the many brilliant people out there creating the various platforms for sharing of information. All we need to do is ask and you shall be given.

I came across this on youtube about technology and student learning. It makes learning easy and fun.

Studywiz and iPods Improve Student Learning
Check out this link :

And the very fact that we are blogging about our experiences and sharing our links and ideas with others says it all.

I am really glad to have enrolled in this emergent technology course. Looking forward for more


My first attempt at twittering. Tried all the usernames I wanted but none went through, it was all taken up! Can you believe it, there are so many Christine Wong out there. Anyway, I was getting frustrated when Dr. Irene suggested this name 'Chubbycheeks'. "Hahahaha....sure no takers" she said. "Try it" she laughed. "No way am I gonna use that name" I said.
Anyway, I tried it and it was available, as predicted. What a name right but I didnt use it. I got another one instead.

My twitter link is


Thursday, October 30, 2008

A PASS session in action!

In my previous posting, I did a podcast on what PASS is all about. PASS or Peer Assisted Study Session is a program where students work together to consolidate understanding, reinforce key concepts, and develop effetive study strategies. PASS consists of weekly one-hour, non-compulsory sessions let by a PASS Leader, who are students who have excelled at the subject in the past. PASS is provided to all students who want to improve their understanding of the course content and ultimately improve their grades.
A PASS Leader does not provide answers but confirms the students' understanding of how the answers are derived. A PASS session is not just another tutorial session, but a structured and progressive program assisting students with mastering and integrating subject content with learning and study strategies. It has been proven that with regular attendance, it increases students understanding of the subject matter and hence overall increase in performance and retention rate. The effective study skills acquired during these PASS sessions are transferrable across to other subjects.
Check out some of the pictures of the PASS students in action. This picture shows the Calculus 2 PASS session in progress. An Internationl student from Nigeria explaining his understanding of how to solve an integration by parts equation to his fellow coursemates. The one below is a session for Music History 2. I managed to video some of my PASS students in action. Will upload it soon. This caputures the essence of PASS and the dynamics of the program as well.

PASS session on Calculus & Analytical Geometry 2

PASS session on Music History 2 be continued