In my previous posting, I did a podcast on what PASS is all about. PASS or Peer Assisted Study Session is a program where students work together to consolidate understanding, reinforce key concepts, and develop effetive study strategies. PASS consists of weekly one-hour, non-compulsory sessions let by a PASS Leader, who are students who have excelled at the subject in the past. PASS is provided to all students who want to improve their understanding of the course content and ultimately improve their grades.
A PASS Leader does not provide answers but confirms the students' understanding of how the answers are derived. A PASS session is not just another tutorial session, but a structured and progressive program assisting students with mastering and integrating subject content with learning and study strategies. It has been proven that with regular attendance, it increases students understanding of the subject matter and hence overall increase in performance and retention rate. The effective study skills acquired during these PASS sessions are transferrable across to other subjects.
Check out some of the pictures of the PASS students in action. This picture shows the Calculus 2 PASS session in progress. An Internationl student from Nigeria explaining his understanding of how to solve an integration by parts equation to his fellow coursemates. The one below is a session for Music History 2. I managed to video some of my PASS students in action. Will upload it soon. This caputures the essence of PASS and the dynamics of the program as well.

PASS session on Calculus & Analytical Geometry 2

PASS session on Music History 2 be continued