Thursday, October 23, 2008

Blogging for Learning

Yeah, our main purpose of showing students how to blog is of course for learning purposes. But just how do we get them excited enough to blog? I was talking to one of the students the other day about blogging. Here's the conversation:

Chris: "Do you like blogging?"

Student: "No, I don't blog. No time to just sit down and blog about stuff. Too busy with homework and studies"

Chris: "Ok. But what if blogging becomes part of your assignment and you are required to create a blog about your life as a student, about issues you discussed in class, about current world issues etc..?"

Student: "Well, if it becomes part of our assignment, we sure have to do it. But, later after the semester, I dont think I will maintain it"

Chris: "Oh! Why so?"

Student: "I don't know about the rest but I have no interest"

So, how do we get students to want to blog and sustain the interest?

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